Posts Tagged ‘ Agnes Macphail ’

Age of the Incredible Canadian, 1921–1948

Dec 3rd, 2017 | By | Category: Heritage Now

Bruce Hutchison’s The Incredible Canadian — A candid portrait of Mackenzie King : his works, his times, and his nation was first published in 1952, only two years after the death of the man who is still Canada’s longest-serving prime minister (1921–1926, 1926–1930, 1935–1948). The first few sentences of the book’s first chapter nonetheless remain […]

Challenging Lord’s prayer at Grey County Council .. rural Ontario not always what the big smoke thinks

Aug 9th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

Last week we heard that, out in the ancient agrarian democratic heartland of northern Southwestern Ontario, the architect Peter Ferguson has “filed an application in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in a bid to get his local Grey County council to stop praying and turning council into what he calls a ‘Christian zone.’” Or […]