Posts Tagged ‘ Republic of India ’

Looking at the old British dominion of Ireland and its new relevance for Canada after the death of Queen Elizabeth II

Nov 29th, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

ONTARIO TONITE. RANDALL WHITE, FERNWOOD PARK, TORONTO, TUESDAY 29 NOVEMBER 2022. John Kerrigan, the Cambridge University literary scholar (and convener of the Cambridge Group for Irish Studies), has just published a more than 7000-word discussion of one movie (Kenneth Branagh’s “Belfast”) and 15 recent books about Ireland today, in the October 20, 2022 issue of […]

Democracy in the Dominions, 1948–1963

Apr 6th, 2018 | By | Category: Heritage Now

Democracy in the Dominions : A Comparative Study in Institutions was a 614-page university textbook by the Canadian Professor of Political Science Alexander Brady —  first published in 1947, with a second edition in 1952 and a third in 1958. By this point the dominions in question had been reduced to four : Canada, Australia, […]

Age of the Incredible Canadian, 1921–1948

Dec 3rd, 2017 | By | Category: Heritage Now

Bruce Hutchison’s The Incredible Canadian — A candid portrait of Mackenzie King : his works, his times, and his nation was first published in 1952, only two years after the death of the man who is still Canada’s longest-serving prime minister (1921–1926, 1926–1930, 1935–1948). The first few sentences of the book’s first chapter nonetheless remain […]