Posts Tagged ‘ Toronto politics ’

Latest polls mean Our Toronto will vote for Olivia Chow (well … probably, most of us) even if she can’t win?

Oct 17th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

Yesterday another poll from Forum Research brought the good news that the answer to a question posed on this site a mere nine days ago – “Will it really end just deja vu all over again for John Tory (and curtains for civilization in Toronto) ??” – is almost certainly NO. (Well, probably anyway. Close […]

Can Harper Conservatives win again in 2015 .. and what will it mean if they do?

Sep 10th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. SEPTEMBER 10, 2014. There really are a lot of movie stars in Toronto for the International Film Festival these days. And other celebrities, especially from stateside. And they happily intervene in the local politics. (See, eg : “Jon Stewart pulling for Olivia Chow in mayor’s race” and “Mike Tyson endorses Toronto mayor Rob […]

John Tory front runner in Toronto mayoralty race now … but ??

Sep 6th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

All who are worried that Rob Ford might actually be re-elected Mayor of Toronto this coming October 27, 2014 have been able to take fresh courage from the latest Nanos poll on the subject. This involved a telephone survey between August 27 and 31, using a  random sample  of 1,000 Toronto voters. Among those already […]

Bill Maher etc beware – Rob Ford says “Once I’m done, I’m done. I’m going to California ……”

May 1st, 2014 | By | Category: USA Today

On the last day of April, 2014, I arrived home from an evening meeting downtown just before 10 PM. And my live-in business manager (and resident beauty queen) immediately told me : “More tapes about Rob Ford have just come out, and he’s taking a leave of absence to get help.” I caught up with […]

Key current campaigns : Olivia Chow, Alex Mazer, and Richard Underhill in Toronto, and Tim Hortons in Quebec

Mar 18th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

At least some people are talking about how interesting the Quebec provincial election campaign has suddenly become. See, eg : “Marois says rest of Canada would be welcome to visit independent Quebec” ; “Independent Quebec would keep Canadian dollar, Marois says” ; “Marois tells Canada not to be afraid of Quebec election outcome” ; “Naked […]

We the people are right when we reject re-naming Toronto’s railway station after John A. Macdonald ..

Feb 6th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

As trained as we are to be cold and calculating in the big city, sometimes it is almost impossible not to be pleased by something in the news. My pleasure over the past few days has been (what I at least take to be) the broad public reaction to Toronto City Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong’s proposal […]

In Crazy Town 2014, have you had any third, fourth, or fifth thoughts about Rob Ford yet ????

Feb 4th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

I suppose you just can’t keep a good man down.  In any case here on the northwest shore of the former Lake Iroquois we have just lived through yet another “week of Rob Ford gong shows, from alleged beating to jaywalking.” (And, as a sign of just what’s so new and almost intoxicating in all […]

What does the Olivia Chow as Ontario lieutenant governor rumour tell us about our democracy??

Jan 6th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

Olivia Chow has left no doubt that there is no real fire in Steve Paikin’s speculation about “How Stephen Harper Can Help Rob Ford.”Â  As she has tweeted : “It seems the rumor mill is in full force this morning. Let me be crystal clear, the reports of an LG offer are completely false.” Yet […]

How did 2013 look on our website .. and what does it mean for we children of the global village today?

Dec 30th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

In the land of the friendly giant next door, the year began with the at least somewhat hopeful inauguration of Barack Obama’s second term. (And then ended, sadly for us at any rate, with a progressive American president in more trouble than we’d like to see.) Meanwhile, much closer to our particular home and native […]

Memo to Bill Maher .. Rob Ford may seem to make a few good points .. but he’s no disciple of Lenny Bruce

Nov 26th, 2013 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

In my advancing age “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO TV is one of the highlights of my Friday nights. I’m sad to think that this past Friday’s episode (November 22, 2013) will be the last until the new year. For my money Bill Maher actually is a spiritual descendant of Lenny Bruce. And […]