Posts Tagged ‘ Mayor John Tory? ’

On the 2018 Toronto election … “it could be worse” seems the best you can say?

Oct 29th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

The day itself was an entire week ago now, but no matter … The drama of the 2018 municipal election in Canada’s current largest city was all before election day. The somewhat Trumpian Doug Ford, new premier of Canada’s most populous province of Ontario (and failed Toronto mayoral candidate in 2014), finally managed to reduce […]

Streetcar fun in big city .. is this what’s happened to Rob Ford’s Toronto?

Jun 5th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

Until recently Toronto’s new mayor, John Tory, was widely loved in opinion polls.  As in “Tory’s approval rating remains strong” (April 13), and “Still in the honeymoon stage … Mayor John Tory continues to enjoy a soaring approval rate” (May 8). Yet it seems that the worm has now started to turn, as it inevitably […]

John Tory front runner in Toronto mayoralty race now … but ??

Sep 6th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

All who are worried that Rob Ford might actually be re-elected Mayor of Toronto this coming October 27, 2014 have been able to take fresh courage from the latest Nanos poll on the subject. This involved a telephone survey between August 27 and 31, using a  random sample  of 1,000 Toronto voters. Among those already […]