Posts Tagged ‘ Toronto streetcars ’

Canada changed in 2015, and Marshall McLuhan’s global village did too : Part II .. Merkel, refugees, Athens, refugees

Dec 24th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

This is the second part of our four-part year-end review for what a counterweights editors general meeting has  decided will be our second last year of publication. For more general background see “Canada changed in 2015, and Marshall McLuhan’s global village did too : Part I .. Paris, Alabama, Baltimore, Havana.” As noted in Part […]

Streetcar fun in big city .. is this what’s happened to Rob Ford’s Toronto?

Jun 5th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

Until recently Toronto’s new mayor, John Tory, was widely loved in opinion polls.  As in “Tory’s approval rating remains strong” (April 13), and “Still in the honeymoon stage … Mayor John Tory continues to enjoy a soaring approval rate” (May 8). Yet it seems that the worm has now started to turn, as it inevitably […]