All entries by this author

Democracy in America holds Donald Trump to account at last in New York, New York (if not in more rural red states)

May 31st, 2024 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM L. FRANK BUNTING, GRAND BEND, ON. MAY 31, 2024. Just before it became clear what the jury would decide in the first (and least substantively serious) criminal trial of Donald Trump, I tried to slow down and think about it all. I have been surprised, like others, by the extent to which the […]

Liz Cheney’s Memoir and Warning makes you wonder more and more : Just what is going to happen to the USA in 2024?

Dec 24th, 2023 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM L. FRANK BUNTING, GRAND BEND, ON. 23 DECEMBER 2023. My wife read Cassidy Hutchinson’s book. (In 2023 and 2024 Ms. Hutchinson may be the closest we have to John W. Dean in 1973 and 1974?) And for one wild moment a few days ago I thought I might do the same with Liz […]

On the beach : why do people in Hollywood movies of 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s still somehow seem real in the 2020s??

Jul 9th, 2023 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM L. FRANK BUNTING, GRAND BEND, ON. 8/9 JULY 2023. We’re supposed to be getting some light rain tonight.. But I’m not worried. I’m safe in our place here, watching TV on a Saturday night and Sunday morning. Right now I’m into a recording I made of a TCM movie from this past Friday […]

Elections, elections, elections … what’s happening to democracy in Turkey, Thailand, and Alberta today?

May 18th, 2023 | By | Category: Countries of the World

SPECIAL FROM L. FRANK BUNTING, GRAND BEND, ON. 18 MAY 2023. My only first-hand memories of Turkey go back almost 16 years, to the early fall of 2007. It was just after the big second victory of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the July 22 election that year. But it was […]

Canadians still “deeply disturbed and saddened” by “attack on democracy” in USA .. but still like Willie Nelson too

Jan 5th, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

NEW YEAR SPECIAL FROM L. FRANK BUNTING, PANCAKE BAY, ON. 2 AM ET, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2022. It has lately been seriously enough cold up here on the eastern shore of Lake Superior (though nothing like Edmonton, Alberta at – 26° C). Most recently in the local metropolis of Sault Ste Marie the weather has […]

Anti-political mood softens as world “part overcomes, part assimilates the pandemic”

Nov 18th, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

NORTH AMERICAN NOTEBOOK : L. FRANK BUNTING, VISITING COLUMNIST FROM PANCAKE BAY. GANATSEKWYAGON, ON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16/WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2021. I am just down from the new north on a visit, communing with the head office staff, reintegrating into the mind of the herd, and enjoying unusually brilliant autumn colours here on the northwest shore […]

An anti-political mood descends across the land (or at least the part of it I live in)

Oct 20th, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM L. FRANK BUNTING, PANCAKE BAY, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2021. The deep northern autumn is setting in. Forecasts here call for a low of 0° C this coming Friday night (and early Saturday morning). I’m in one of my recurrent anti-political moods. I agree with the UK emeritus professor Malcolm Gaskill, who writes […]

Understanding the strange state of conservative theory and practice today

May 23rd, 2021 | By | Category: Countries of the World

SPECIAL FROM L. FRANK BUNTING, PANCAKE BAY, ONTARIO. 24TH OF MAY WEEKEND. The May 13, 2021 issue of the New York Review of Books has an essay by Mark Lilla on the German novelist Thomas Mann (1875–1955), and his rather strange 1918 book Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man. (The NYRB Classics series is in fact […]

Biden’s “bizarre closing” on March 11, the real tragedy of Harry and Meghan, and the future of the British monarchy in Canada

Mar 14th, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM L. FRANK BUNTING, PANCAKE BAY/ALONA BAY, ONTARIO. Some on Twitter have been reacting with bemusement to President Biden’s closing remarks in his first televised address to the American people this past Thursday night : “Thank you for taking the time and listening. I look forward to seeing you.” It is the very last […]

Waiting for Biden-Harris at the last minute .. on a great lake in the far north

Jan 18th, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM L. FRANK BUNTING, PANCAKE BAY, ON. JANUARY 18, 2021, 2 AM, 2 PM ET : Some worried that yesterday would be a kind of state-Capitol reprise of what transpired at the national Capitol in Washington on January 6, 2021. According to CNN, however : “Weekend protests at state capitols stayed small amid heavy […]