Posts Tagged ‘ Stephen Marche ’

In Crazy Town 2014, have you had any third, fourth, or fifth thoughts about Rob Ford yet ????

Feb 4th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

I suppose you just can’t keep a good man down.  In any case here on the northwest shore of the former Lake Iroquois we have just lived through yet another “week of Rob Ford gong shows, from alleged beating to jaywalking.” (And, as a sign of just what’s so new and almost intoxicating in all […]

Memo to Bill Maher .. Rob Ford may seem to make a few good points .. but he’s no disciple of Lenny Bruce

Nov 26th, 2013 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

In my advancing age “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO TV is one of the highlights of my Friday nights. I’m sad to think that this past Friday’s episode (November 22, 2013) will be the last until the new year. For my money Bill Maher actually is a spiritual descendant of Lenny Bruce. And […]