Posts Tagged ‘ Steven Del Duca ’

ONTARIO ELECTION WATCH II : Is this just the calm before the storm or the calm before the disengaged electorate?

May 14th, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

ONTARIO ELECTION WATCH 2022, CW EDITORS, GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. MAY 14, 2022 : Among many other things, Greg Barns’s excellent recent report on the May 21, 2022 Australian federal election may suggest something of a parallel fresh but relevant perspective on the June 2, 2022 provincial election in Canada’s most populous province. To quickly review the […]

ONTARIO ELECTION WATCH I : Could June 2 finally prove a very big surprise at Queen’s Park?

May 1st, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

ONTARIO ELECTION WATCH 2022, CW EDITORS, GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. MAY 1, 2022 : Barring unforseen prospects the, as it were, official official campaign for the Ontario election that takes place on Thursday, June 2 will begin this coming Wednesday, May 4. Today’s Sunday editorial meeting here considered a dozen relevant recent news items. Before just briefly […]

Citizen X’s top half dozen issues — Ontario election, Abolishing monarchy, India on Ukraine, Indigenous Reconciliation, Arctic sovereignty, Anhad Accord

Apr 22nd, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM THE DEMOCRATIC DESKTOP OF CITIZEN X, BUCKHORN, ON. K0L 0C1. 22 APRIL 2022. At last it’s starting to seem like spring in Southern Ontario. Looking at the minor forest outside through a large back window, as I sit in front of this smaller screen on the electronic highway, I am inspired to compile […]

Our quick and dirty report on the Ontario Liberal leadership convention, Saturday, March 7, 2020 ..

Mar 9th, 2020 | By | Category: In Brief

We watched the Ontario Liberal Party’s Saturday, March 7, 2020 leadership vote – in the International Centre in Mississauga – at our more easterly Ganatsekwyagon headquarters, some 150 yards from Lake Ontario’s soothing waters on a sunny day. In the main 2nd-floor boardroom we had the excellent cp24 coverage on the big-screen TV. In the […]