Posts Tagged ‘ Canadian head of state ’

How hard would it be for Canada to follow Barbados and become yet another Commonwealth republic?

Oct 18th, 2020 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

SPECIAL FROM ASHOK CHARLES, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, REPUBLIC NOW/RÉPUBLIQUE DU CANADA, TORONTO/THUNDER BAY. OCTOBER 18, 2020 : That Barbados has resolved to transition from constitutional monarchy to constitutional democracy (see “Barbados To Become A Republic by 2021”) also has relevance for Canada. Explaining the coming changeover, Barbados’ Governor General, Sandra Mason, said : “Barbadians want a […]

The polite fiction that the governor general is somehow “above politics” is what really lacks credibility today

Nov 8th, 2017 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

There seems at least some significant agreement within the Canadian federal punditocracy (which I admire a great deal) that our new former-astronaut Governor General Julie Payette badly blotted her copy book, when she gave spirited opening remarks at the recent 9th annual Canadian Science Policy Conference in Ottawa. I nonetheless feel driven to confess that […]

Where is Canada going .. will we become a real country at last (yes of course)?

Jul 1st, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

An alas now vanished great friend of the counterweights editors, from a vanished era in the life of the city, used to say that he seldom agreed with the newspaper columnist Alex Barris. But he almost always read his columns because he found them stimulating. We sometimes have similar feelings about the present-day Toronto Star […]

If American democracy is in trouble, so is democracy in Canada ..

Mar 30th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

“Great Britain, the United States and Canada” is the title of a now 65-year-old essay by Harold Innis, Canada’s pioneering great economic historian (and the godfather of Marshall McLuhan). As winter at last gives way to spring north of the North American Great Lakes, a few vaguely parallel thoughts about our time today have been […]

Brother Andr̩ is a saint Рand Governor General of Canada is real head of state

Oct 18th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

You may feel that the pope in Rome has no real power to sanctify anyone. And we share that view. But if you harbour any attachment to Canada’s interesting province of Quebec, you may also feel some warmth towards the news that, this past Sunday “Pope Benedict XVI canonized the first male saint born on […]

March 6 referendum in Iceland: one model for democratizing governor general in Canada

Feb 24th, 2010 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

Three days after the prorogued federal Parliament returns to work in Canada, the people of Iceland will be voting in an unusual referendum. It has been called, in effect, by the ceremonial head of state, who has doubts about recent controversial actions by the Icelandic parliament and prime minister. Here in Canada, the Iceland example […]

The Prime Minister and the Governor General 2009: not exactly a love story

Oct 13th, 2009 | By | Category: In Brief

One of the more intriguing sidebars to current Canadian federal politics is the relationship between Conservative minority Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Governor General Michaelle Jean, who was (rather brilliantly, some say) appointed by Liberal minority Prime Minister Paul Martin, not too long before he was turfed from office, by a gang of conservatives, socialists, […]

Will the real Canadian head of state stand up?

Oct 13th, 2009 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

Just last week, on October 5, 2009, the Governor General of Canada, Michaelle Jean, gave a speech to a United Nations cultural group in Paris, in which she called herself – and not just once but twice – the Canadian “head of state.” This soon enough brought a surge of protest from the diminishing forces […]

Protest at the GG show in Ottawa .. on the Hill with the republican grass roots

Sep 29th, 2005 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

What the Canadian Press had earlier called “a small knot of demonstrators,” who “plan to show up, calling for an end to what they see as an undemocratic vestige of the colonial past,” actually did appear among the protesters at the otherwise radiant official “installation” of Canada’s new Governor General Michaelle Jean, on the sunny […]