Posts Tagged ‘ Charles Roach ’

Happy Canada Day 2020 : Is a fake-news monarchy really the “future we want to build together” after COVID-19 ??

Jun 30th, 2020 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

CANADA DAY, JULY 1, 2020. GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. RANDALL WHITE : As quite recently noted by the counterweights editors, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has urged that the COVID-19 pandemic has given us a “chance to reshape Canada’s future.” In the prime minister’s own words, the coronavirus “has been an unprecedented challenge.” But it “has also been […]

Reassessing PM Justin Trudeau .. with less than one month to go before the 2019 Canadian federal election??

Sep 22nd, 2019 | By | Category: In Brief

I want to quickly say something about why I will still be voting for the Justin Trudeau Liberals in the October 21, 2019 Canadian election, despite the prime minister’s latest self-inflicted wounds. The most apt summary of the background I’ve run across has come from Lauren O’Neil at blogTO : “Canada’s political sphere is reeling […]

Canadianizing the Canadian citizenship oath – a still dangling rite of passage in the home and native land

Sep 4th, 2014 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

At the end of the 1864 Quebec conference that forged the constitutional beginnings of the  confederation of 1867 George Brown, founder of the old Toronto Globe and early Canadian Grit/Liberal/Reform political leader, wrote a hasty letter to his wife. He reported : “You will say our constitution is dreadfully Tory –  and it is – […]

RIP Charles Roach : “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery ; none but ourselves can free our minds”

Oct 4th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

For all our vast technical progress over the past few centuries, we mere human beings still don’t seem to know much more about the vast mysteries of death than our ancestors several thousand years ago.  And perhaps it is true enough — in some profoundly mysterious way — that certain kinds of people more or […]

Summer in the city 2012 .. winking at Rob Ford .. and remembering various anniversaries of Mackenzie-Papineau

Jul 14th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

TORONTO. SATURDAY, JULY 14, 2012. This may not be the greatest city in Canada, whatever that may mean. But it sure is hot here today. I have nonetheless been asked to devote at least part of this sunny afternoon to informing all who may be interested that the relevant staff have now completed their latest […]

Why is Attorney General of Canada so keen to shut down Roach vs. Queen?

May 20th, 2007 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

On Friday, May 18 CBC News reported that Toronto civil rights lawyer Charles Roach “has won a key battle in his bid to take the Canadian oath of citizenship – without pledging allegiance to the Queen.” The Attorney General of Canada had wanted the court case in which Mr. Roach is trying to do this […]

Protest at the GG show in Ottawa .. on the Hill with the republican grass roots

Sep 29th, 2005 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

What the Canadian Press had earlier called “a small knot of demonstrators,” who “plan to show up, calling for an end to what they see as an undemocratic vestige of the colonial past,” actually did appear among the protesters at the otherwise radiant official “installation” of Canada’s new Governor General Michaelle Jean, on the sunny […]