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What Quebec National Assembly got right when it made traditional oath to British monarch optional

Jan 2nd, 2023 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

SPECIAL FROM ASHOK CHARLES, TORONTO/THUNDER BAY. JANUARY 2, 2023. In its November 7, 2022 article, “The empty fight over a symbolic oath in Quebec,” the Globe and Mail’s editorial board argued that the ultimately legislated proposal for Quebec’s National Assembly to dispense with the compulsory oath of allegiance to King Charles III for its members […]

There’s logic to Quebec’s Bill 21 : freedom from religion is inevitable part of better known cousin, freedom of religion

Jan 31st, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM ASHOK CHARLES, TORONTO. JANUARY 31, 2022 : As Kristopher Kinsinger explained a while ago in the Policy Options journal, Quebec’s still controversial Bill 21 : “In essence … prohibits state employees such as prosecutors, police officers and teachers from wearing religious symbols — including head and face coverings — when carrying out their […]

Why Canada needs a new citizenship oath

Apr 10th, 2021 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

SPECIAL FROM ASHOK CHARLES, TORONTO/THUNDER BAY. APRIL 10, 2021 : Canada’s current citizenship oath, with its medieval pledge of fealty to a hereditary monarch, does not meet the needs of a prominent 21st century democracy. In 2019 Canada accepted 340,000 new permanent residents, and is among the countries with the highest levels of immigration. Some […]

How hard would it be for Canada to follow Barbados and become yet another Commonwealth republic?

Oct 18th, 2020 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

SPECIAL FROM ASHOK CHARLES, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, REPUBLIC NOW/RÉPUBLIQUE DU CANADA, TORONTO/THUNDER BAY. OCTOBER 18, 2020 : That Barbados has resolved to transition from constitutional monarchy to constitutional democracy (see “Barbados To Become A Republic by 2021”) also has relevance for Canada. Explaining the coming changeover, Barbados’ Governor General, Sandra Mason, said : “Barbadians want a […]

Are Prince Andrew and even Prince Charles really suited to their current symbolic roles in Canada’s Constitution?

Sep 26th, 2019 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS NOTE : One bright feature of the bubbling 21st century Canadian republican movement is the way it brings together many different sides of life in Canada today. On this site we are resolute Canadian republicans, but we don’t always agree with other equally resolute fellow republican friends. We believe Canada should be actively […]

The new reign in Spain shows how we need to start thinking about the future of the British monarchy in Canada

Jul 13th, 2014 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

Last month’s abdication of King Juan Carlos I of Spain in favour of his son triggered a fierce debate on the future of monarchy in Spain. It also brought out tens of thousands of republicans to rallies in Madrid, Barcelona, and other cities. The rally in the capital drew 20,000 and solidarity rallies took place […]

Middle Eastern pro-democracy uprisings ought to remind us of Canada’s Rebellions of 1837-38

May 24th, 2011 | By | Category: Heritage Now

Considering that we admire and support the Middle Eastern rebels fighting to oust corrupt, undemocratic governments, it’s odd that we don’t give greater recognition to the Canadian popular uprisings which tried to achieve the same thing. In the 1830s the governments of Upper and Lower Canada – what are now Ontario and Quebec, respectively –  […]