Posts Tagged ‘ Patrick Brown ’

Strange state of conservative politics in Canada and UK (and USA — could BOJO even be Trump’s successor??)

Jul 9th, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM THE DEMOCRATIC DESKTOP OF CITIZEN X, ON THE EDGE OF THE CANADIAN SHIELD IN BUCKHORN, ON. K0L 0C1. 9 JULY 2022. The only immediate conclusion we up here in the Kawartha wilderness can draw is that some prominent Conservatives in Canada really do not like Patrick Brown. He was replaced as Ontario PC […]

Where is the stranger and stranger Ontario PC leadership race of 2018 going?

Feb 18th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

TORONTO, ON. SUN 18 FEB 2018. 3 AM ET. [UPDATED 11:00 AM, 8:00 PM, MON 19 FEB, 1 PM, WED 21 FEB, 12:45 PM, 5 PM]. I am now back one week from the brief winter holiday in the sun alluded to in “I remember the crisis in Ontario politics while escaping ‘Mon pays ce […]

Sunday Bloody Sunday with the Ontario Progressive Conservatives

Jan 29th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 2018. 5 PM ET. [UPDATED JAN 30]. It may still be, as some wise observers have suggested, that the Ontario Progressive Conservatives – now disentangled from the wobbly leadership of Patrick Brown – will go on to handily win a majority government in the June 7 provincial election. (As some […]

Trying to escape the spectre (specter) of Donald Trump in southern ontariariario on a [Sunday] afternoon

Jun 26th, 2017 | By | Category: In Brief

One thing I’ve done today (well … yesterday really) is finish reading Jeff Madrick’s review of two recent books on poverty in the USA,  in the June 22, 2017 issue of The New York Review of Books. (The two books are :  The Financial Diaries: How American Families Cope in a World of Uncertainty, by […]

Can Patrick Brown make some new Seinfeldian mutation of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives work?

May 11th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

I don’t believe in “types” of human beings. But if I did, the new Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown would remind me of a certain type of hard-working grass-roots activist, outside the established political party system. Yet it also seems that Mr. Brown has spent almost his entire life since the middle of high school […]