Posts Tagged ‘ Kiya Bruno ’

Three cheers for BC & AB Blue Jays fans in Seattle .. from admiring fellow Canadians in Toronto, only 3400 klicks away

Aug 27th, 2019 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

TORONTO, CANADA. AUGUST 27, 2019. I read this past Sunday about the “author, podcast host and former ‘Jeopardy!’ champion” Ken Jennings, from the US Pacific North West. Perhaps after watching FOX News, he foolishly criticized the “20,000 surprisingly awful Canadians” who “drive down to watch a Blue Jays game” in Seattle during the northern summers. […]

A belated Happy Canada Day to children of global village bringing Democracy in Canada since 1497 home at last ..

Jul 2nd, 2019 | By | Category: In Brief

Another Canada Day has come and gone. And this year it’s hard not to be a bit uneasy about what at least we Canadians (with only 11.3% of the adjacent US population) continue to perversely believe is the real greatest country in the world – the “true north strong and free,” as the English words […]