Posts Tagged ‘ Paul Martin ’

RIP Happy Warrior of Canadian politics — who spoke with a broader voice that needs to be louder in the 2020s.

Aug 12th, 2023 | By | Category: In Brief

RANDALL WHITE. FERNWOOD PARK, TORONTO. SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 2023. I did not know Hugh Segal personally. I never met him face to face. The closest I came was when my real-world acquaintances among Ontario bureaucrats urged that some document under discussion betrayed the Hugh Segal touch. I have, on the other hand, read and even […]

Taking a Zoom meeting on the Chrétien and Martin years – and the royalist mythology in Canada today

Mar 20th, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

FROM THE COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS, GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. SAT 20 MAR 2021 : Our most immediate news is that our colleague and friend (and intermittent self-declared editor-in-chief), Randall White (PhD), has finally handed in the almost next-to-last chapter of his long-meditated current work in progress, tentatively entitled Children of the Global Village : Democracy in Canada Since […]

The Return of the Natural Governing Party, 1992—2006

Mar 18th, 2021 | By | Category: Heritage Now

Thirty years later many might say that the people of Canada made the right decision when they rejected the Charlottetown Accord in the autumn of 1992. The constitutional future the deal envisioned had been conceived in too much haste with too little popular debate. The major provisions for Quebec’s unique status, Senate reform, and aboriginal […]