Archive for January 2023

Serious reform of the RCMP (in its 150th year) should begin by dropping “Royal” from the name (or just restoring the original “North West Mounted Police”)?

Jan 30th, 2023 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM CITIZEN X, BUCKHORN, ON. 30 JANUARY 2023. Yesterday CTV News writer Natasha O’Neill posted a piece headlined “As Canada’s RCMP marks 150th anniversary, a look at what it says needs to change.” The piece began with : “As the RCMP marks a major milestone, questions linger over the legacy of Canada’s paramilitary police […]

Just how desperate is Toronto the desperate city? (with a footnote on “the truth is discoverable only through the clash of different opinions”)

Jan 20th, 2023 | By | Category: In Brief

COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS, GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. JANUARY 20, 2023. We’re still digesting a January 7, 2023 tweet from an admittedly very progressive voice : “Toronto is a desperate city. More police funds won’t fix it … Star https etc.” The recommended link here leads to an equally arresting (and longer) Shawn Micallef piece in the Saturday Toronto […]

Remembering Ian Tyson at Mariposa 1963

Jan 11th, 2023 | By | Category: Entertainment

ONTARIO TONITE. RANDALL WHITE, FERNWOOD PARK, TORONTO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2023. When Ian Tyson’s sad death at 89 was announced a few weeks ago, during the last days of 2022, my thoughts rushed back almost 60 years, to the summer of 1963. I found an article online that caught the moment : “Where the boys […]

What Quebec National Assembly got right when it made traditional oath to British monarch optional

Jan 2nd, 2023 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

SPECIAL FROM ASHOK CHARLES, TORONTO/THUNDER BAY. JANUARY 2, 2023. In its November 7, 2022 article, “The empty fight over a symbolic oath in Quebec,” the Globe and Mail’s editorial board argued that the ultimately legislated proposal for Quebec’s National Assembly to dispense with the compulsory oath of allegiance to King Charles III for its members […]