Posts Tagged ‘ Ontario election 2011 ’

The new major minority cabinet in Ontario ..

Oct 20th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED 4 PM]. Here is the new “Ontario Liberal Cabinet” that will be sworn in today, in the wake of the October 6, 2011 provincial election. It has a lean 22 members, down by six from its immediate predecessor’s 28: * Dalton McGuinty: Premier, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs * Jim Bradley: Minister of the Environment […]

The bittersweet Ontario election of 2011

Oct 7th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

On TV last night someone (Robin Sears?) called the Ontario provincial election of 2011 bittersweet for all contenders, and that seems a good summary to me. There is a chance of last-minute ups and downs as I write just short of 1 AM on the morning of October 7, but apparently not too much. As […]

Razor-thin Liberal majority in Ontario may still be the best guess (well maybe)?

Oct 5th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2011, 1:30 AM [UPDATED 12 NOON, 4:40 PM] . The Robert Ghiz Liberals have held on handsomely enough in in Canada’s least populous and geographically smallest province of Prince Edward Island (aka Abegweit and then ÃŽle Saint-Jean in earlier eras).  And Greg Selinger’s New Democrats have now done the same in […]

“No accord, no coalition, no entente, no agreement – formal or informal – or any other linkage of any kind”????

Oct 3rd, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Prince Edward Island and the Northwest Territories are voting today. The people of Ontario have to wait until Thursday. But according to the Toronto Star yesterday: “Liberal Leader Dalton McGuinty is ruling out any possible arrangement with another party to remain in power after Thursday’s election … With polls suggesting Ontarians are poised to vote […]

Still “too close to call” in Ontario .. but what if it’s a different kind of David Tsubouchi “electoral upset next week”?

Oct 1st, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2011. Not counting today, there are only four days left until all who really care go out and vote in the Ontario election, on Thursday, October 6, 2011.  For more or less hard evidence on why so many still say “it’s too close to call,” see the four most recent polls: […]

Does big TV debate audience mean more people are more interested in Ontario than conventional wisdom claims?

Sep 30th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

I am never sure myself just who figures these things out, and/or exactly how they do it. But according to three different mainstream media reports: “Provincial leaders debate topped TV ratings in Ontario” ; “Ontario leaders debate …  most-watched program of the evening” ; and “1.45 Million Viewers Watch Televised Ontario Election Debate.” To a […]

More than one poll says Liberal Premier McGuinty did well enough in Ontario election debate

Sep 28th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Probably the fairest thing that can be said about last night’s Ontario election debate on TV is that supporters of all three major parties represented can take some comfort from the performance of their leader.  (See, eg : “Hard hitting exchanges – but no knockout in Ontario leaders’ debate.”) Beyond this, it is intriguing to […]

Is razor-thin Liberal majority most likely Ontario election result now .. before leaders’ debate?

Sep 27th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

With debates last night (French – well sort of, at any rate) and tonight (English), and the actual vote now a mere nine days away, you might think the outcome of the October 6 Ontario provincial election is a little clearer than it used to be. And you would be at least partly right. As […]

What’s wrong with “class warfare” anyway .. time to strike back in Washington – and Queen’s Park?

Sep 21st, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Way back in the late 19th century Oliver Mowat, the Ontario Liberal premier who still holds the  local record for longevity in office (some 24 consecutive years, 1872—1896), declared in a statement to a Knights of Labour branch in his home riding : “I am glad to believe that there is little antagonism between the […]

Whatever else, Premier Dad Dalton is certainly not dead yet ..

Sep 14th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Before non-Tory partisans get too excited about such headlines as “Ontario voters trending to McGuinty, poll suggests” (Globe and Mail) or “Liberals inch ahead of Tories in two new polls” (Toronto Star), they might want to at least consider “Tories leading the pack: Poll” (surprise, surprise – in the Toronto Sun). The poll in the […]