Posts Tagged ‘ Australian republic ’

The Palace Letters in Australia 1975 – a big boost for the republican cause down under in 2020 (and in Canada too)!

Jul 15th, 2020 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

SPECIAL FROM GREG BARNS. HOBART, MELBOURNE, BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA, 14 JULY 2020. The 11th of November 1975 is a date etched into the collective mind of the Australian body politic. It was the day that the Queen’s representative, Governor General John Kerr, dismissed the elected Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, and commissioned Opposition Leader Malcolm Fraser to […]

Laughing to keep from crying in the Commonwealth realms : Justin Trudeau meets the Queen

Nov 25th, 2015 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

A few days ago on Canadian TV the always interesting Susan Riley in Ottawa was expressing her delight at the first few weeks of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. For a moment many of us shared her feelings. But then the otherwise excellent Ms Riley could think of no higher way of concluding her praise than […]

The setting sun: Greg Barns and Henry Pill on the British monarch as head of state in Australia, Canada, and Jamaica

Feb 13th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

Stephen Harper’s new passion for restoring the British monarchy to the kind of position it enjoyed in Canada before the Second World War may be impressing a few people in other parts of the global village today. But others who watch Canadian current events remain unconvinced. On Saturday, February 4, 2012, eg, Greg Barns and […]

Is some new “people’s monarchy” in the commonwealth realms at hand?

Nov 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

At the level of international political soap opera, at any rate, are we or are we not on the verge of some kind of revival of the ancient British monarchy, in an age of resurgent conservatism in the new global village on which the sun still never dares to set? For our particular purposes here, […]