Archive for January 2016

Trying vainly to catch flying time .. Canada, Japan, Iowa, local media, India, K Wynne, Rihanna, and Drake!

Jan 30th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

How time flies … Already it is almost the last day of January 2016. And a host of other business in the office has meant our last post was a dozen days ago. Here are a few quick notes until next week … when we’ll be having more time on our hands. (We hope!) To […]

Is Ottawa still “the last lumber village before the North Pole”.. and what should be done about it for 2017?

Jan 18th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

The text for this Monday morning is Tim Harper’s piece in the Toronto Star, Friday, January 15, 2016 : “Why is our nation’s capital so drab? … On the eve of our 150th anniversary, it’s time to pierce Ottawa’s torpor and begin to showcase our capital.” Mr. Harper’s piece is in turn a response to […]

Boogie woogie rumble of dream deferred not so loud as PM Trudeau visits T.O. just after State of the Union

Jan 14th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

Locally at least, it is hard to know what is crazier about the excellent “JOHN TORY VIA TWITTER” photo, also posted on the Toronto Star site. It shows Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reaction to being presented with a Maple Leafs jersey by Mayor John Tory, at Toronto City Hall yesterday. Just to recap, before flags […]

What can the Rose Parade tell us about where America is going in 2016?

Jan 7th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

The editors say our ongoing main interest on this site in 2016 will be everything American, leading up to the US  federal election on Tuesday, November 8. (Though with of course a keen supplementary interest in just how the new Trudeau federal government in Canada is working out – and the regionally diverse Canadian economy.) […]