Archive for December 2015

Canada changed in 2015 and the global village too : Part IV .. Modi & Queen, Paris again, climate change, J Trudeau

Dec 31st, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

Here are the last four Associated Press top international news images in our year-end review : (13) Narendra Modi meets former Empress of India … Technically, it is not correct to call Queen Elizabeth II even a former Empress of India. That title, invented by UK Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli for Queen Victoria in 1876, […]

Canada changed in 2015 and the global village too : Part III .. Hillary, Merkel in Bejing, Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi

Dec 29th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

Here is the third part of our four-part year-end review. For more general background see “Canada changed in 2015, and Marshall McLuhan’s global village did too : Part I .. Paris, Alabama, Baltimore, Havana.” As noted in Part I, we’re covering Associated Press top international news images up front on our home page. For the […]

Canada changed in 2015, and Marshall McLuhan’s global village did too : Part II .. Merkel, refugees, Athens, refugees

Dec 24th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

This is the second part of our four-part year-end review for what a counterweights editors general meeting has  decided will be our second last year of publication. For more general background see “Canada changed in 2015, and Marshall McLuhan’s global village did too : Part I .. Paris, Alabama, Baltimore, Havana.” As noted in Part […]

Justin Trudeau is more like Bill Clinton than Ronald Reagan .. see “electoral reform” (and Nathan Cullen too)

Dec 22nd, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

As the poignant year 2015 draws to a close. Justin Trudeau has only been Prime Minister of Canada for, oh say a month and a half or so – since this past November 4. But we seem to have seen and heard a lot from him already. Craig Oliver at CTV News recently suggested Prime […]

Canada changed in 2015, and Marshall McLuhan’s global village did too : Part I .. Paris, Alabama, Baltimore, Havana

Dec 18th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

We’re almost done with 2015. And we’ve divided our year-end review for what an editors general meeting has just decided will be our second last year of publication into four parts. We’re using two different main sources for each part. On the global village we’ve selected a dozen photos from the sample of Associated Press […]

Happy saxophone holidays to the shadow of your smile (and other close-to-year-end notes), 1965—2015

Dec 10th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

“The Shadow of Your Smile” was one of the last enduring popular songs in the tradition of the Great American Songbook – whose truest heyday was “from the 1920s to the 1950s.” With music by Johnny Mandel and lyrics by Paul Francis Webster, it first appeared in 1965, as the Academy Award winning Best Original […]

The courage of Canada’s new federal government may or may not be tested – and who knows if it matters anyway?

Dec 1st, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. The sky over the lake at sunset last night was almost like a Lawren Harris painting. It had something to do with the lighting and the clouds. As if the sky had heard that since Steve Martin these northern paintings were making a lot of money … (Well … Martin Short no doubt […]