Archive for December 2012

World in 2012 from our corner north of Great Lakes could have been worse??

Dec 23rd, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

Without any doubt, we would say here, the biggest news of 2012 in the larger universe to which Canada belongs (though quite independently of course!) was the re-election of Barack Obama as president of the USA. And we did at least follow this big story, like everyone else. As early as January 13, 2012 we […]

Am I blue that there will be no white Christmas this year where I live?

Dec 18th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

Weather forecasters are not always right, of course. But I am prepared to concede that they probably know more about the weather than I do. And so I took it seriously when I heard yesterday morning that “Waking up to a winter wonderland on Christmas Day will be more of a dream than reality for […]

What if Karen Alloy’s Mayan End of the World Prophecy for December 21, 2012 is actually right?

Dec 11th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

One week from this coming Friday, we will have finally arrived at December 21, 2012 – the day when the world as we know it will come to an end … well, sort of … or something like that. (Or if you believe NASA in the USA today : “Dec. 21, 2012, won’t be the […]

175th anniversary of 1837 rebellions more important for Canadian democracy today than War of 1812

Dec 4th, 2012 | By | Category: Heritage Now

A recent poll on the pride Canadians place in more than a dozen symbols and achievements found that the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 this year came in near the bottom – even though the federal government has budgeted more than $28 million to mark the occasion. The 175th anniversary of the so-called […]

Is salvation for Ontario Liberals somewhere out there in Alice Munro’s rural Ontario?

Dec 3rd, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

According to a Toronto Star report this past Friday: “Premier Dalton McGuinty’s resignation has given the Ontario Liberals a significant bounce … the governing Grits have vaulted to second place, ahead of the New Democrats, and closed the gap with the Progressive Conservatives, says the latest Forum Research survey.” The report goes on: “The Conservatives […]

Do Susan Rice’s Canadian connections disqualify her as US secretary of state?

Dec 1st, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

According to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC this past Tuesday, such Republican luminaries as John McCain, Lindsay Graham, and  Kelly Ayotte “are so virulently attacking Susan Rice [mostly over her already well-explained first reaction to the  Benghazi attack on US diplomats in Libya] … to give the GOP a shot at picking up John Kerry’s senate […]