Archive for September 2011

Does big TV debate audience mean more people are more interested in Ontario than conventional wisdom claims?

Sep 30th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

I am never sure myself just who figures these things out, and/or exactly how they do it. But according to three different mainstream media reports: “Provincial leaders debate topped TV ratings in Ontario” ; “Ontario leaders debate …  most-watched program of the evening” ; and “1.45 Million Viewers Watch Televised Ontario Election Debate.” To a […]

More than one poll says Liberal Premier McGuinty did well enough in Ontario election debate

Sep 28th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Probably the fairest thing that can be said about last night’s Ontario election debate on TV is that supporters of all three major parties represented can take some comfort from the performance of their leader.  (See, eg : “Hard hitting exchanges – but no knockout in Ontario leaders’ debate.”) Beyond this, it is intriguing to […]

Is razor-thin Liberal majority most likely Ontario election result now .. before leaders’ debate?

Sep 27th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

With debates last night (French – well sort of, at any rate) and tonight (English), and the actual vote now a mere nine days away, you might think the outcome of the October 6 Ontario provincial election is a little clearer than it used to be. And you would be at least partly right. As […]

Toward European unity 20?? .. what are the politics of fixing the economy?

Sep 25th, 2011 | By | Category: Countries of the World

It is not entirely clear that Europe ought to get most of the blame for the latest bout of international financial neurosis – all too reflected in such other places as the Toronto Stock Exchange this past week. But the once mighty continent is certainly playing that role in the eyes of the concerned global […]

What’s wrong with “class warfare” anyway .. time to strike back in Washington – and Queen’s Park?

Sep 21st, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Way back in the late 19th century Oliver Mowat, the Ontario Liberal premier who still holds the  local record for longevity in office (some 24 consecutive years, 1872—1896), declared in a statement to a Knights of Labour branch in his home riding : “I am glad to believe that there is little antagonism between the […]

John Ibbitson’s “incumbency hypothesis” in this fall’s Canadian provincial elections .. truth or dare?

Sep 21st, 2011 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

One of the things keeping democracy in Canada alive – in the face of recurrent improbable odds, in Ottawa and elsewhere – has been a steady supply of very good people who watch over and write on the Canadian political scene (in all its vast diversity and both official languages). A historical list could go […]

Rob Ford’s revolution in Toronto may fade .. but in Ottawa Stephen Harper will still be going strong!

Sep 19th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011. The Canadian House of Commons returns to work today, after its usual long summer vacation (once an essential break for family farmers, for whom summer was the crucial busy season). According to the lovely Jennifer Ditchburn at The Canadian Press, after “tributes to late NDP leader Jack Layton” are paid in […]

The latest grim trends … and the “best single article I’ve read on the current phase of the economic crisis”

Sep 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

A little too unhappily, this week began with reports from our Canadian banks on slower growth prospects for the domestic economy. See, eg, on Monday, September 12: “Canada’s growth to slow, RBC says” ; and then, just one day later: “Canada could be 1st into recession, bank warns.” At the bottom of these prognostications were […]

Whatever else, Premier Dad Dalton is certainly not dead yet ..

Sep 14th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Before non-Tory partisans get too excited about such headlines as “Ontario voters trending to McGuinty, poll suggests” (Globe and Mail) or “Liberals inch ahead of Tories in two new polls” (Toronto Star), they might want to at least consider “Tories leading the pack: Poll” (surprise, surprise – in the Toronto Sun). The poll in the […]

Can Brian Topp do it .. just how much of a transformation in Canadian federal politics is underway anyway?

Sep 13th, 2011 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

“Can Lloyd George Do It?” is the title of a 1929 tract by John Maynard Keynes and Hubert Douglas Henderson on the economic policy of the fading British Liberal Party of the day. (As the Duke University economist E. Roy Weintraub put it a few years ago, in commenting on a New York Times column […]