Posts Tagged ‘ Stephen Harper and Mackenzie King ’

Stephen Harper and Mackenzie King .. bad joke or nightmare ????

Nov 27th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

Whatever else, Stephen Harper has become the kind of opponent you worry about. He has now been prime minister of Canada since early in 2006. He is up for re-election this coming 2015. He has  obvious major flaws. He lacks constructive wisdom about the country. But you fear he may have other, lower talents that […]

Is Stephen Harper really making a good case for another crowning, as we try to remember Giovanni Caboto in 1497 ??

Nov 20th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

Lawrence Martin’s quite remarkable Globe and Mail column this past Tuesday (November 18, 2014)  – “A pro-active PM seizes the agenda” – deserves more attention, and debate. The essential argument is nicely (or otherwise) summarized in Mr. Martin’s first paragraph : “If victory goes to the guy who wants it most, Stephen Harper is making […]

Facing up to 2009: Obama drama, Harper as Mackenzie King, bailout polls, and lovely JM Keynes

Jan 2nd, 2009 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

It was not easy to be cheerful when we saw headlines like: “Think 2008 was bad? Just wait, economists say” ; “Economists grim in their forecasts for 2009” ; and “2009 to be ‘weakest year’ since World War II.”On the other hand, on the second-last day of the fateful old year we heard as well that […]