Posts Tagged ‘ spring election in Canada ’

Does new Conservative strength in polls mean no spring election in Canada?

Feb 16th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED FEBRUARY 18, 20]. Those of us who have not been happy about Stephen Harper’s (technically minority) stewardship of the Canadian experiment over the past five years will not be happy about the three latest opinion polls on Canadian federal politics either. The Canada-wide results from EKOS, Ipsos Reid, and Harris Decima are (in that […]

Can some kind of Mike and Jack show in Ottawa still lean Canada forward?

Nov 15th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

Technically, a Canadian federal election on December 31, 2010 could still be called as late as November 26 – 11 days from now. (And as some will want to remember here, the Federal Court of Appeal has “ruled that the Bill C-16 fixed-election-date measures” which became law “in May 2007 … did not … change […]