Posts Tagged ‘ Justin Trudeau government ’

Mel Hurtig and (very) early second thoughts about where the new Trudeau government is taking Canada ??

Aug 8th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

The recent Radio Canada report “Noted nationalist and author Mel Hurtig dead at 84” has coincided with several bursts of fresh interest in old Justin Trudeau articles on this site. See, eg : * “The quiet evolution of ‘La femme de Justin Trudeau’ carries on” ( 5 Mar 2012) ; * “The unbearable lightness of […]

Recovering from the 2015 Canadian election with Louis Menand .. and the Cold War in New York, 1947—1967

Oct 25th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

You have to do something … to unwind mentally and readjust to ordinary life, after all the raw excitement of a historic democratic campaign (well … that’s what we think up here in this now all-red city [aka blue in the USA]  …  still trying in vain to emulate Manhattan …) So …  to  recover […]