Posts Tagged ‘ Brad Bannon ’

Can “socialism” in Canada (er I mean “social democracy”) be any inspiration for Joe Biden’s USA today?

Nov 18th, 2020 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

FROM RANDALL WHITE, FERNWOOD PARK, TORONTO, WED 18 NOV 2020 : Sophia A. Nelson (who might qualify as one seasoned guide to the new political middle ground many Americans apparently now yearn for) published an interesting piece on the Daily Beast site this past Sunday. Her article is called “The Authoritarian Threat in This Country […]

Black and red genius Charles Parker Jr may yet redeem USA (and Canada too)!

Jun 16th, 2020 | By | Category: Entertainment

CW EDITORS : The summer is in sight. We have just a few quick things to say, before settling down to a more rigorous holiday schedule of (more) regular (more brief) reporting in these fascinating and intermittently near-overwhelming times. (That at least is the plan.) To start with, while diverse protests for equality and freedom […]