Posts Tagged ‘ Bill Kristol ’

Hello Hippie Chick : at least you could just move to the Canada that will (hopefully) re-elect Justin Trudeau on October 21?

Jul 20th, 2019 | By | Category: In Brief

What to make of the latest political craziness in the USA today (at least from where I live, north of the Great Lakes)? Here are four clusters of mid-summer 2019 intelligence, gleaned from the World Wide Web – and beyond : I. THE WISDOM OF GEORGE WILL : My shrewdest insider source from the hard […]

November 6, 2018 in USA .. not exactly a night to remember for the rest of our lives?

Nov 7th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

6:20 PM ET : Nothing too striking in the earliest 2018 US Midterms vote, as best as we can tell, on Twitter and/or TV. But it’s a relief that the evening has finally begun, as Rachel Maddow has recently observed. 12:15 AM : We agreed to wait somewhat longer before making any brief comments. Until […]