Posts Tagged ‘ Alberta election 2019 ’

We’re back .. having survived still mysterious malevolent attacks – just in time for Alberta election!

Apr 16th, 2019 | By | Category: In Brief

Our apologies to all and any who may have visited us over the past week or so, and found we had temporarily vanished from the world wide web. The long and short is that the site just suddenly crashed, not long after our April 3, 2019 post on “Time for a change : our latest […]

Is Jason Kenney’s United Conservative Party still inevitable winner of Alberta vote April 16, like Doug Ford PCs in Ontario?

Mar 20th, 2019 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

Yesterday Premier Rachel Notley finally announced that Alberta’s long-anticipated provincial election will be held some four weeks hence, on Tuesday, April 16! Opinion polls have long been showing that former Stephen Harper federal cabinet minister Jason Kenney’s new United Conservative Party is well ahead of Premier Notley’s New Democrats. And a “new poll from Ipsos,” […]

Nanaimo byelection in BC could be sign of Canadian times (even if NDP finally wins)

Jan 28th, 2019 | By | Category: In Brief

The most interesting Canadian political event this week is almost certainly the BC provincial byelection in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, Wednesday, January 30, 2019. John Horgan’s current BC NDP government in Victoria remains in office with the help of three Green party Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs). And the NDP/Greens together are just very […]

Our top 10 counterweights articles for that strange year 2018 (and happy new year to an even stranger 2019 ??)

Dec 31st, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

At the end of this annual exercise for this (even unusually?) strange year we suddenly realize that our deepest recent preoccupations have been quite local – north of the North American Great Lakes, on the northwest shore of Lake Ontario. We may have been seeking refuge (albeit in vain) from the larger wild and crazy […]