USA Today

If “good fences make good neighbours,” would Trump’s southern border wall make better neighbours of Mexico & USA?

Jun 26th, 2018 | By | Category: USA Today

I agreed with a lot in  Masha Gessen’s Friday, June 22 column for The New Yorker : “Trump’s Opponents Aren’t Arguing for ‘Open Borders’–But Maybe They Should.” It fits with the “global village” that the Edmonton-born Marshall McLuhan began to talk about in the 1960s. And this has come to echo loudly in the now […]

Is Stormy Daniels on the edge of a political career at last?

Mar 24th, 2018 | By | Category: USA Today

Some time ago (and along with others no doubt) I began to ponder the possibility that in order to defeat Donald Trump and his wrong side of history, democracy in America has to come up with someone who is both as crazy and yet strangely talented as he is. After I saw an especially good […]

The whole town’s talking about the Jones Boy / The Jones Boy / The Jones Boy …

Dec 14th, 2017 | By | Category: USA Today

In part at any rate the good guy Doug Jones won in the Alabama special Senate election on December 12, 2017 by leaning on at least something somewhat like the “rigged-electoral-system” luck that almost accidentally gave Donald Trump the US presidency in November 2016. To take just the clearest case in point : “1.7 per […]

Who or what is really to blame for the dump President Trump has to live in?

Aug 2nd, 2017 | By | Category: USA Today

I am not supposed to be doing this right now. I have allegedly more urgent work to attend to. But it is the middle of our short Canadian summer. And there is nothing quite like stealing time from more urgent work for a summer flight of fancy. For my text see : “Did Donald Trump […]

Donald Trump’s 6-month approval rating isn’t that much lower than Bill Clinton’s

Jul 20th, 2017 | By | Category: USA Today

[UPDATED JULY 21]. “This may be the hottest day we’ve had this summer,” someone said in the parking lot. I don’t know myself. In any case that’s just up here – north of the lakes. Contemplating the more southerly climate of la démocratie en Amérique, I’m still thinking about two world-wide web reports from this […]

Center of Resistance in (especially Northern?) California has its own American progressive allure in spring 2017

May 5th, 2017 | By | Category: USA Today

Why am I not surprised that I am yet again stuck with drafting another counterweights editors travelogue  – this time visiting the technical support masters in the (especially Northern) California bear-flag republic? Among the key current alleged insights submitted : * ASIA IN AMERICA ON THE PACIFIC COAST. On the Atlantic coast the USA is […]

Mar-a-Lago dreamin’ : is the Trump administration finding its feet at last?

Apr 8th, 2017 | By | Category: USA Today

APRIL 8, 2017. GANATSEKWYAGON, ONTARIO, CANADA. Is it true that : “Missile attack on Syria a ‘win-win’ for Trump … Strike will allow US president to deflect attention from domestic crises and regain moral high ground”? And does the departure of Steve Banon from the US National Security Council similarly mean that adults are taking […]

This isn’t the first time Donald Trump has pretended to run for President etc

Oct 4th, 2016 | By | Category: USA Today

I bumped into L. Frank Bunting at The Rex this past weekend. And he agreed that with Donald Trump’s possibly “Worst Week in Presidential Campaign History” now behind us, the US election campaign is looking a little less like “democracy as depicted by Hieronymus Bosch.” (See his September 22 meditation on “Hieronymus Bosch back in […]

Northern lights on US election II : What if Conrad Black is right and Donald Trump actually wins ????

Sep 7th, 2016 | By | Category: USA Today

CTV News anchor Marcia MacMillan, in an especially compelling dress yesterday morning, brought us the vaguely alarming news that “New poll shows Trump taking slight lead over Hillary Clinton.”  (This is now well hidden in the CTV September 6 archive.  Try “Poll: Nine weeks out, a near even race” for key numbers.) Among the experts […]

Whatever else, Democrats show they’re the real party of Great American future

Jul 27th, 2016 | By | Category: USA Today

[UPDATED JULY 28, 29]. According to two US national polls at the start of this week on Monday, July 25, “Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention” and (still worse) “Donald Trump bounces into the lead.” And then, very early on Wednesday, July 27, even the Associated Press was reporting : “Sanders […]