Posts Tagged ‘ global village ’

Are USA & China bringing the wider global village back into the limelight?

Oct 12th, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS, EAST TORONTO OFFICE. TUESDAY 12 OCTOBER 2021. Maybe it’s just interim domestic political exhaustion in the wake of the September 20 Canadian federal election. But we are coming to share a sense that the politics (and economics and even “culture”) of the world at large are, for a time at least, growing more […]

If “good fences make good neighbours,” would Trump’s southern border wall make better neighbours of Mexico & USA?

Jun 26th, 2018 | By | Category: USA Today

I agreed with a lot in  Masha Gessen’s Friday, June 22 column for The New Yorker : “Trump’s Opponents Aren’t Arguing for ‘Open Borders’–But Maybe They Should.” It fits with the “global village” that the Edmonton-born Marshall McLuhan began to talk about in the 1960s. And this has come to echo loudly in the now […]