Posts Tagged ‘ Barack Obama ’

Going to northeastern California for the 2022 US midterm elections … ready for a bit of a grim night

Nov 4th, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

RANDALL WHITE, TORONTO. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2022. Early this Sunday morning we’re off to the airport, travelling to Vancouver and then from there to Sacramento, California (and then from the airport there to the north end of Sacramento County by car), in time for the US midterm elections on Tuesday, November 8. Catching Bill Maher […]

The whole town’s talking about the Jones Boy / The Jones Boy / The Jones Boy …

Dec 14th, 2017 | By | Category: USA Today

In part at any rate the good guy Doug Jones won in the Alabama special Senate election on December 12, 2017 by leaning on at least something somewhat like the “rigged-electoral-system” luck that almost accidentally gave Donald Trump the US presidency in November 2016. To take just the clearest case in point : “1.7 per […]