Archive for November 2018

Grey Cup 2018 : red and black will triumph, whoever wins in Canadian regulation time

Nov 24th, 2018 | By | Category: Sporting Life

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2018. GANATSEKWYAGON,ON. Both Donald Trump in the neighbouring USA today, and his wily colleague Doug Ford right here in the new Old Ontario, have become so appalling lately that I have sought refuge in thoughts about the 2018 Grey Cup – annual championship of the Canadian Football League, held for the 106th […]

Happy 100 First World War Armistice .. a view from the northern woods ..

Nov 11th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

The site administration staff have told me that I’ve already contributed at least one (as we say in Canada) Remembrance Day piece back in the past (“O valiant [Toronto] hearts who to your glory came .. your memory hallowed in the land you loved,” on November 11, 2013). They’ve pointed out as well a still […]

November 6, 2018 in USA .. not exactly a night to remember for the rest of our lives?

Nov 7th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

6:20 PM ET : Nothing too striking in the earliest 2018 US Midterms vote, as best as we can tell, on Twitter and/or TV. But it’s a relief that the evening has finally begun, as Rachel Maddow has recently observed. 12:15 AM : We agreed to wait somewhat longer before making any brief comments. Until […]