Archive for July 2016

Northern lights on US election I : Will Sunday audacity of hope in Europe finally reach American midwest?

Jul 31st, 2016 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

If the bad sides of current events in Europe can reasonably be seen as part of the 2016 US election (and something US presidents can somehow be viewed as responsible for), then so should the good sides. I was impressed in this light myself by the Raphael Satter and Colleen Barry Associated Press report variously […]

Whatever else, Democrats show they’re the real party of Great American future

Jul 27th, 2016 | By | Category: USA Today

[UPDATED JULY 28, 29]. According to two US national polls at the start of this week on Monday, July 25, “Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention” and (still worse) “Donald Trump bounces into the lead.” And then, very early on Wednesday, July 27, even the Associated Press was reporting : “Sanders […]

How to miss the Republican Convention in Cleveland without being sad ..

Jul 19th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

As it happens, summer family obligations mean I’ll miss most of the US Republican convention in Cleveland. Veteran North American progressive political junkie that I am, why am I not sad? (Well … I did stay up last night with the diverse gang at MSNBC, as they only somewhat gleefully pondered the news that at […]

If Bird’s bebop finally did become the new pop music it just might sound like Allison Au and Tara Kannangara

Jul 15th, 2016 | By | Category: Entertainment

[CW EDITORS NOTE : Nos cÅ“urs et les esprits vont vers les gens du premier pays de mère européenne du Canada, à la suite de l’attaque terroriste épouvantable à Nice hier — un jour que tous ceux qui aiment la liberté et la démocratie dans le monde d’aujourd’hui célèbrent, épaule contre épaule avec le peuple […]

Struggles in US and UK .. electoral reform in Canada .. and the hopeful island of blue in the red state of Texas

Jul 13th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, ON.  JULY 13, 2016. Rachel Maddow, back from her (unexplained?) absence last week, was showing some footage of a vigil for slain police officers in Dallas Monday night. In the morning a piece on the CNN website had mourned “A tragic first week of July.” (Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge ; Philando Castile in […]

Meditations in time of almost civil war .. US election, Dallas shootings, and summer in a northern city 2016

Jul 8th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

GREAT LAKES REGION OF NORTH AMERICA. JULY 8, 2016. Almost all aspects of the  US election campaign strike me as too much over the top at the moment. Maybe it’s just the summer heat. (Or maybe it’s just that the 2016 US election really is crazy, as all our US friends keep telling us, again […]

“Primary cause of Brexit is first-past-the-post” – Canadian committee on electoral reform take note

Jul 6th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

TORONTO, CANADA. JULY 6, 2016. Try as it will, our local and regional universe doesn’t quite seem able to escape altogether from the ongoing Brexit crisis in the United Kingdom – enhanced by “nervousness” over recent “weak data from China.” (See from yesterday, eg : “Wall Street skids as global growth worries resurface” ; “Wall […]