Archive for January 2010

counterweights prorogued until February 1

Jan 24th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

As a sign of sympathy with the No Prorogue protests right across Canada yesterday the management has decided  to prorogue counterweights for one full week. We will return on Monday, February 1, 2010.

Listen to the nation .. stop the prorogation

Jan 24th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

Just after noon yesterday I set out with a few of the hardier counterweights editors to join our local area demonstration against minority Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s prorogation (or “suspension” or even just “shutdown”) of the Parliament of Canada until March 3. Our local area happens to be the most hated city in the country, […]

Did Massachusetts vote again for change it still hasn’t seen?

Jan 20th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

“History has many cunning passages,” T.S. Eliot from St. Louis, Missouri said about 90 years ago (by which time he was already living in London, England). But having a Republican like Scott Brown deal “a devastating blow to President Obama’s domestic agenda Tuesday night by capturing the Senate seat of the late Edward M. Kennedy” […]

Just how bad (er .. make that good) is the political amnesia of the Canadian people?

Jan 18th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

“The Conservatives,” John Ivison at the National Post wrote this past Friday, “think an election is probably at least a year away and are trusting in the public’s political amnesia … They believe the only question that will matter by then is: Who do you trust to lead the country through a period of fiscal […]

If there is a deepening debate about prorogation and democracy in Canada what does it mean?

Jan 18th, 2010 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Public debate on minority Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision to “prorogue” the Parliament of Canada, until March 3, 2010, at least seems to have grown to a greater degree more quickly than many who follow such obscure events at first imagined. And I am among those who have been pleasantly enough surprised. At the […]

Has the prorogation protest peaked .. could be a good question for Karen Alloy?

Jan 15th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

Dr. Randall White’s deep-background (and apparently appallingly detailed and lengthy) investigation of the current great Canadian prorogation debate is now said to be almost complete. It will be posted without fail at some point this coming weekend – probably just before midnight, Sunday, January 17. Meanwhile, others among us are starting to wonder whether the […]

Crazy Love North : Happy birthday Le Devoir ; good work Saskatoon Star Phoenix ; congratulations Michael Bublé

Jan 11th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

The dead of winter always makes you a bit crazy in a northern country. Our resident Ontario historian Randall White’s deep-background investigation of the current great Canadian prorogation debate is apparently still a work in progress – with a new “almost firm” deadline of January 13 or 14 (or even 15?). Meanwhile, we counterweights editors […]

Prorogation Canada part deux + (wld u believe) Senate reform (again)?

Jan 7th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

Our resident Ontario historian Randall White had a first swing at the Stephen Harper minority government’s latest prorogation of the Parliament of Canada last week. Since then the issue has been gathering more steam (in at least some old transcontinental railway towns, across our vast treasure-chest of natural and human resources, etc, etc). And Dr. […]

Will yet another Canadian federal election happen at last in 2010?

Jan 4th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

I don’t usually admire the Conservative guru Tim Powers. But his January 2 note of caution on recent Canadian federal election speculation – from no less than John Ibbitson, Don Newman, and Norman Spector – seems at least somewhat wise. (Even if he left Jim Travers off his list, probably because Travers published on January […]