Has the prorogation protest peaked .. could be a good question for Karen Alloy?
Jan 15th, 2010 | By Counterweights Editors | Category: In BriefDr. Randall White’s deep-background (and apparently appallingly detailed and lengthy) investigation of the current great Canadian prorogation debate is now said to be almost complete. It will be posted without fail at some point this coming weekend – probably just before midnight, Sunday, January 17.
Meanwhile, others among us are starting to wonder whether the somewhat surprising prorogation protest among we the great unwashed Canadian people has already peaked. See, eg, Jane Taber’s Globe and Mail blog: In the end recent evidence that “Prorogation hammers Conservative support in polls” may be “not so bad for the Prime Minister and his team.” The latest EKOS poll “was taken over several days –Â from Jan. 6 to Jan. 12 –Â and Tory fortunes were rebounding in the last few days … On Jan. 6, the Conservatives were at 28.3% compared to 34% per cent by Jan. 12. Averaged all together, however, the Tories emerge with 30.9%. The Liberals, meanwhile, began on the first day of the poll with 23.6% and ended with 26.6%. Their global total for the poll period was 29.3% … The EKOS analysis says this suggests ‘it may be difficult for the opposition to sustain public attention on the issue of prorogation.’”
O well. The apparently populist “anti-prorogue rallies” scheduled for “40+” centres across the country next Saturday, January 23 should provide another kind of evidence, for better or worse. Chantal Hébert notes in today’s Toronto Star that: “So far, the controversy has had the most impact on Conservative fortunes in Ontario, ground zero of the media backlash over the move.” A report on January 23 protest preparations in NOW magazine in Toronto notes that there is another planning meeting in that city today. (A similar meeting last Friday attracted so many people it had to be moved to more spacious quarters.) Incidentally, the same report ends rather provocatively with “at least we know the Bloc and NDP won’t prop up this government come a new budget in March.” Do we really know this? Has anyone told Jack Layton?
Meanwhile again, discussions earlier this week with one group of counterweights consultants, at a heritage tavern in Anytown, Southern Ontario, reminded us of Frank Bunting’s allusion last September to the incisive YouTube report on “2012: The End of the World,” by the semi-beautiful stateside redhead Karen Alloy, aka spricket 24. (“To be an artist is to fail, as no other dare fail.”) If you like Ms. Malloy’s work here, you might also appreciate her other YouTube reports on such subjects as “Swine Flu,” “Get Fatter America,” “Red Hair,” and “Ugly People.” Still more to the point, what the world really needs right now is a Karen Alloy report on the great Canadian prorogation debate. As an (almost) American Beauty (of sorts), she no doubt does not have time for such things. And we will have to content ourselves with Dr. White’s forthcoming more-than-anyone-ever-wanted-to-know-about-prorogation essay. With popular enthusiasm for the subject having perhaps already peaked, we have made clear to him that his report must be posted no later than midnight January 17 – or we will stop payment on the cheque, foolishly sent in advance. (It won’t happen again!)