Archive for February 2007

Happy birthday to who? .. where does the Six Nations Caledonia protest go from here?

Feb 28th, 2007 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

What the press is now calling “Canada’s longest running aboriginal standoff,” in Caledonia, Ontario, began on February 28, 2006. It is one year old today. And by all the latest accounts it will be two years old this time next year, and three years old the year after that. According to spokesperson Janie Jamieson: “Six […]

The Stephen Harper mystery .. will the real new Prime Minister of Canada stand up?

Feb 24th, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

As February 2007 heads into its last wintry days, Stephen Harper has been the new Conservative minority prime minister of Canada for just over a year. And for at least the past few weeks he has seemed to be doing almost alarmingly well. Then, very recently, he has also been reminding many Canadian people yet […]

The Quebec election .. bigger things are looming over Canada now (sort of)?

Feb 21st, 2007 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

Whatever new Canadian political adventures may lie ahead in the possibly fateful year of 2007, something seems to have shifted into a higher gear with the news that there really will be a Quebec provincial election on March 26. The further clarification that a Stephen Harper federal budget with good news for Quebecers is now slated for […]

Menendez-Crocker edge-city murders .. what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?

Feb 19th, 2007 | By | Category: Crime Stories

Sometimes you hear about a murder in the media, and you think that could be someone I know. Other times it sounds more like a paperback you read on a rainy vacation, when nothing else was around. The February 12, 2007 double-slaying of Paula Menendez, 34, and Julie Crocker, 33, at a quiet family home […]

Why the Liberals should back Canadian Senate reform .. but of course they wont

Feb 13th, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

In the continuing strange universe of Canadian federal politics a Leger poll of 1,500 voters from January 30 to February 4 has now shown 38% Conservatives and 31% Liberals. A “Leger poll two weeks earlier had put the Conservatives at 35% and the Liberals at 32%.” If this kind of trend settles in, Stephane Dion’s […]

Rethinking the continental divide .. is the end of American exceptionalism at hand?

Feb 8th, 2007 | By | Category: USA Today

The death of the unusually influential American social scientist Seymour Martin Lipset, on December 31, 2006, prompted a wave of admiring obituaries in January 2007. Canadians could also join in on this party, because as CNN’s Bill Schneider explained, “Lipset’s ideas were so compelling” that he could even “make Canada interesting to Americans.” As others […]

The new war over the environment in Canada .. can this really be progress?

Feb 2nd, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Barack Obama, it was claimed somewhere on TV during the past few weeks, has aptly bemoaned that the problems of America today are so big, and its politics so small. In Canada we sometimes imagine that we are at least accidentally immune to the worst troubles of this sort. (Nothing up here, beyond the raw […]