Archive for September 2005

Protest at the GG show in Ottawa .. on the Hill with the republican grass roots

Sep 29th, 2005 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

What the Canadian Press had earlier called “a small knot of demonstrators,” who “plan to show up, calling for an end to what they see as an undemocratic vestige of the colonial past,” actually did appear among the protesters at the otherwise radiant official “installation” of Canada’s new Governor General Michaelle Jean, on the sunny […]

The quiet evolution of Sophie Gregoire (aka Mme Justin Trudeau)

Sep 25th, 2005 | By | Category: Entertainment

The counterweights editors have their own reasons to appreciate the rising power in the name of Sophie Gregoire. According to the always interesting user statistics, our very slight references to her elsewhere on this site have won more attention than many other more weighty probes. Ms. Gregorie’s potential has of course been noted in other […]

Not another hurricane .. and meanwhile is Lord Black going to jail?

Sep 24th, 2005 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

Fortunately the impact of Hurricane Rita on the US Gulf Coast has not proved as disastrous as the worst-case scenarios predicted. Meanwhile, this past week has brought further evidence that storms and disasters of other sorts are also abroad in the North American wilderness. Way up north, some Canadians have even been pleased by fresh reports […]

Plot thickens in Canadian politics : great poll for Liberals, but will they fall in October anyway?

Sep 20th, 2005 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

A new Leger marketing survey of Canadian federal party standings has shown the first signs of real movement in the complex mind of the cross-Canada democratic electorate since the start of the summer that is just ending. Using an Ipsos-Reid poll from less than a month ago as the benchmark, the Liberals are up four […]

Preston Manning’s new centre for building democracy .. and Sharia Law in Ontario?

Sep 16th, 2005 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

Western Canadian political guru Preston Manning’s “newly formed, not-for-profit national organization to be called the Manning Centre for Building Democracy” seems to underline the current problems of federal Conservative leader Stephen Harper. The Manning Centre will arise on the ashes of “an informal roundtable” of “100 conservative-minded people from across Canada,” over the September 17-18 […]

Was Katrina the last blooper that George W. Bush will get away with?

Sep 15th, 2005 | By | Category: USA Today

Will George W. Bush now be a lame-duck president for the next three years? Is that what the Hurricane Katrina trauma finally means for the big framework of world politics? There is of course evidence that Mr. Bush remains quite popular in some places: “With an air of secrecy that would make the Pentagon envious, […]

Ottawa gossip gurgles again .. and Gomery advances report deadline (remember that?)

Sep 9th, 2005 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

UPDATED Monday, September 12, 2005. 11:00 PM. Chinese president Hu Jintao arrived in Ottawa last Thursday, on a trip that also includes visits to Toronto and Vancouver, various parts of Mexico, and the United Nations in New York. The Washington Post noted how the “United States relies on Canada for some 17 percent of its oil and energy and is […]

Oh lucky girl .. Sophie Gregoire joins ETalk Daily at CTV

Sep 7th, 2005 | By | Category: Entertainment

The lovely Sophie Gregoire, aka Mme Justin Trudeau, has now joined the CTV entertainment program ETalk Daily. She will serve as Quebec correspondent for the show, which is about to begin its fourth season. And she will work alongside host Ben Mulroney.No word so far on whether Sophie Gregoire will also be keeping her job […]

Do you know what it means to miss FEMA in New Orleans .. is all the criticism right … or left?

Sep 6th, 2005 | By | Category: USA Today

Those who know the disaster management literature say that there are typically many bitter complaints about initial government responses to major natural disasters. Raw politics get mixed up in such things as well. A Washington Post-ABC poll has reported that 46% of Americans approved of President George W. Bush’s “performance after Hurricane Katrina battered the Gulf Coast,” […]