Posts Tagged ‘ Toronto city politics ’

Streetcar Named Rob Ford lives on .. remember when his worship said he “no longer uses marijuana” in 2010 ????

May 18th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

We have begun to renovate the bar at the top of the counterweights home page over the past few days. Much remains to be done. Among the starters we have retired our ”Streetcar Named Rob Ford” page. We were getting too jaded about the circus act the current mayor of Toronto, Canada has been offering […]

Is Rob Ford on the ropes? Let’s hope so .. What might help him most now? A loss, not a victory, in Court

Sep 17th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

This morning I opened the papers to another installment of the Rob Ford saga. It seems the Mayor of Toronto (Canada’s most hated city etc) and his brother, Councillor Doug Ford, were on their Sunday radio program trying to push back against allegations of the Mayor’s misuse of City staff and resources for his football […]

Case of the vanishing gravy train … Has the Tory Toronto revival hit a bump in the road already?

Jul 13th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

I have vast respect for Bob Hepburn at the Toronto Star. But I was sceptical about his argument two weeks ago in “Ford honeymoon ends with Pride snub.” Yet by the time former TTC chief general manager Michael Warren reported on “Ford Nation’s grim future” – in the same newspaper just one week ago – […]