Posts Tagged ‘ Ricky Ray ’

“Toronto, I just want to say … this is the greatest city in the world” – the double football championship of 2017

Dec 12th, 2017 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

Football means one thing in North America, and another in the rest of the world. (And even just North America north of the Rio Bravo/Rio Grande. There’s also Australian Rules Football, I guess, but that’s … well … something completely different.) In the late fall of 2017, as it happens, Toronto, ON, Canada has won […]

Toronto hurray for Ricky Ray .. and Meghan Markle from “Black Beverly Hills”

Nov 28th, 2017 | By | Category: In Brief

Toronto residents, some would say, have two particular reasons to thank the Golden State of California in late November 2017 : (1) Ricky Ray from Happy Camp, CA: To start with, Ricky Ray, the quarterback who has just led the fabled Toronto Argonauts to their 17th Grey Cup (venerable prize of the Canadian Football League), […]