Posts Tagged ‘ Toronto FC ’

Our top baker’s dozen on Canada, USA, & global village in strange year 2017

Dec 22nd, 2017 | By | Category: In Brief

Who would even want to deny that 2017 has been a strange year? Certainly not us, at any rate. And here’s one cut at how the world looked to five brazen voices from our team on the northwest shore of the most easterly North American Great Lake – Dominic Berry, the Counterweights Editors, Rob Sparrow, […]

“Toronto, I just want to say … this is the greatest city in the world” – the double football championship of 2017

Dec 12th, 2017 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

Football means one thing in North America, and another in the rest of the world. (And even just North America north of the Rio Bravo/Rio Grande. There’s also Australian Rules Football, I guess, but that’s … well … something completely different.) In the late fall of 2017, as it happens, Toronto, ON, Canada has won […]