Posts Tagged ‘ Quebec politics ’

Who is Pauline Marois and what does she mean for Canada?

Sep 5th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

As of 11 PM local time, the September 4, 2012 Quebec election results have been fluctuating in small degrees for some time, and this seems likely to continue for some time yet. But the essential outline is clear enough. (For the current exact numbers see QUÉBEC 2012 – RÉSULTATS.) Pauline Marois’ Parti Quebecois has clearly […]

What’s going on in Quebec now .. progress since FLQ terrorism and October 1970?

May 10th, 2006 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

Observers of the new Western quiet revolution in Canadian federal politics have now had time to catch a little breath. And it seems increasingly apparent that, yet again, the most surprisingly ironic things are happening in Quebec. It shouldn’t be surprising that Stephen Harper’s first Conservative minority budget will be sailing through Parliament this evening, compliments of […]