Posts Tagged ‘ Ontario flag ’

“If Liberals and NDP really want Ford out, they have to join forces” makes one kind of sense in Ontario right now .. if not a realistic one before June 2

Mar 21st, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

ONTARIO TONITE. RANDALL WHITE, FERNWOOD PARK, TORONTO, 21 MARCH 2022. [UPDATED 22 MARCH]. A friend, colleague, (fellow amateur musician), and person deeply into progressive party politics in Canada’s most populous province said to me yesterday, with a shrug of resignation (and only the slightest hint of a question mark) : “Well I guess Doug Ford […]

Admiring The Tyee’s quest to “Consider Changing the Name of British Columbia” in the wilds of central Canada

Jun 24th, 2020 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

CW EDITORS : According to CTV News this past Monday : “Pandemic has provided chance to reshape Canada’s future, PM says.” At somewhat greater length Justin Trudeau urged : “If this pandemic has been an unprecedented challenge for our country, it has also been an important opportunity to figure out what really matters in our […]

Ontario’s flag flap 2015 .. and its own burden of history from just before (and after) the War of 1812

Jun 22nd, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

Questions have been raised about the Confederate flag still flying over the South Carolina state capitol, even after the appalling terrorist prayer-meeting murders in Charleston this past Wednesday night. They may remind some of us north of the Great Lakes that a few much milder questions were raised about the current Ontario provincial flag last […]