Posts Tagged ‘ NDP-Liberal merger ’

“Merger” isn’t the real issue for Canadian progressives right now .. but three cheers for Pat Martin anyway ..

Aug 31st, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

According to today’s Globe and Mail: “The push for a merger between the [federal] Liberal Party and the NDP has quickly become a major issue among the growing field of candidates to replace Jack Layton … The top contenders for the NDP leadership – party president Brian Topp and House Leader Thomas Mulcair – are […]

Here’s one former NDP voter who remains sceptical about returning to the fold, for the time being at least

Jun 20th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

According to back-of-the-envelope calculations I have just made, I cast my first democratic ballot in the Ontario provincial election of October 17, 1967. I did not know where my local polling station was, but I did know the NDP candidate’s campaign office. I went there to ask where to go to lose my electoral virginity […]