Posts Tagged ‘ Emma Holten ’

Two commemorations on same winter day in parts of Canada this year .. Louis Riel, the flag, and Justin P.J. Trudeau

Feb 15th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

Up here in the brrrrr … cold wilderness north of the Great Lakes, Monday, February 15, 2016 is a day when two commemorations coincide. Both have been written about in the past on this site. And in commemoration of both commemorations today, we are going to quickly review these past writings, and then end on […]

Standing up for Canadian flag’s 50th birthday .. and Sarah Palin, Emma Holten, migrants to Canada and USA

Jan 31st, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

This past January 13, on the Waterloo Region Record site,  Lee-Anne Goodman wrote : “With the 50th birthday of Canada’s beloved Maple Leaf flag just a month away, some are wondering why there’s been so little fanfare from the federal government.” One possible half-answer is that the Conservative Party of the mid 1960s, led by […]