Posts Tagged ‘ Canadian economic policy ’

Is PM Harper really inventing a new Canada .. and should we be very afraid?

Dec 19th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

TORONTO, CANADA. The number one spot in the Globe and Mail list of its most popular stories on the last weekend before Christmas 2011 was held by a Gerald Caplan comment piece, headlined “Be very afraid: Stephen Harper is inventing a new Canada.” And I am wondering, well yes, of course, but is it true? […]

Is the end of the age of crazy tax cuts at hand?

Feb 7th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

Who just said: “I think the lesson of the last 25 years is that it doesn’t work …  Taxes are going to have to be raised. … The Republicans think their mission in life is to cut taxes. Sorry … game over. We’re now in the tax-raising business. And we’re going to be in the […]