Posts Tagged ‘ Canada and Commonwealth ’

Commonwealth today not what it used to be in Canada – and it may have a bigger future than we imagine?

Mar 30th, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

FROM THE DESKTOP OF CITIZEN X, BUCKHORN, ON. Evan Dyer on the CBC News site had an interesting column this past Saturday, called “Is the pandemic killing the idea of the Commonwealth? … It was COVID-19 – not Harry and Meghan – that revealed the lack of any real connection between former colonies.” According to […]

Commonwealth Games and fantasy coalitions .. what is “the Commonwealth” today anyway?

Oct 7th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

Toward the end of the first full week of October 2010 (or 10/10: and apparently marriages at the local city hall for this coming Sunday 10/10/10 are way over-booked), Canada  seems to be doing somewhat better in the Commonwealth Games. As we write (“Friday, October 08, 2010″ in New Delhi, but still just Thursday, October […]