Posts Tagged ‘ Andrew Scheer ’

Pacific Scandal is great grandma of SNC-Lavalin : but all “systematic organization of hatreds” is obsolete today

Feb 15th, 2019 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

[UPDATED FEBRUARY 18. SEE BELOW]. On Valentine’s Day 2019 it is hard to know just what to make of the first prime minister of the 1867 confederation of British North American Provinces now known as Canada. (Well … my thoughts here are actually being posted just after Valentine’s Day, but that’s just because I’m a […]

Con party of Canada elects Andrew Who? leader : how much does he know about the original sunny ways, 1896—1911?

May 29th, 2017 | By | Category: In Brief

What can anyone say about the Conservative Party of Canada leadership charade this past Saturday evening (May 27), at the Toronto Congress Centre? The first  paragraph of  John Ibbitson’s report is the best short summary we’ve seen : “Conservative voters concluded, by the narrowest of margins, that Andrew Scheer’s sensible conservatism was a safer choice […]