Guess who else is happy Sarah Palin is quitting?

Jul 16th, 2009 | By | Category: In Brief

Northern sceneryNo one will be too surprised to hear that among the American people who are pleased  Sarah Palin will soon be resigning as Governor of Alaska are many Alaskan Native Americans (or aboriginal peoples, as we officially say in Canada’s Constitution Act 1982).

Take, e.g., Myron Naneng, “president of the Association of Village Council Presidents, a tribal group serving the … Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in western Alaska.” His reaction to the governor’s announcement was “Should I say hallelujah? … She can see Russia out of her house, but she can’t seem to see the things that our villages are dealing with … things are going on … that I don’t think the governor who resigned took any strong interest in, no personal outreach. She wasn’t willing to work with us and the action taken by the administration … hasn’t been positive.”

Like others Mr. Naneng is anticipating life will improve at least somewhat under Governor Palin’s successor, Sean Parnell. Her in-state approval rating has dropped by almost 40 percentage points since her career in national politics began. And: “Some tie the drop to what they say is her newfound proclivity for ‘red meat’ conservative issues over pragmatic Alaskan interests.”Â  (There aren’t too many Alaskans of any sort who regularly read the Washington Post.)

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