Archive for November 2007

A reformed Senate in a Canadian republic .. manifest destinies or impossible dreams?

Nov 30th, 2007 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

The current quixotic and apparently only half-serious quest for Senate reform in Canada shows both the best and worst sides of the Stephen Harper Conservative minority government in Ottawa. There is a high-minded sense in which this relic of the 19th century desperately ought to be brought up to date, in the interests of a […]

The case of the reluctant press secretary .. and the blond who came in from the cold

Nov 22nd, 2007 | By | Category: USA Today

If a diplomat is a man (or nowadays woman of course) who lies abroad for his or her country, what can a presidential press secretary in Washington DC possibly be? In any case, for a few moments this week it seemed that, as an article in the Nation proposed, former George W. Bush press secretary […]

Europe and America 2007 .. no one can escape the global village now?

Nov 15th, 2007 | By | Category: Countries of the World

Viewed up close, the Canadian historian Frank Underhill said long ago, the most striking thing about the USA is its almost dazzling variety. And along with all the US citizens who still worship the Grand Canyon, there are those alluded to in a November 13, 2007 Reuters article: “Many Americans are opting for French foie gras instead […]

You don`t know what`s going on in these big houses .. in Vancouver it could be gang wars

Nov 8th, 2007 | By | Category: Crime Stories

On Saturday, November 3 Hong Chao (Raymond) Huang was gunned down outside his mansion in Vancouver’s upscale Shaughnessy neighbourhood. Just three days before, on Halloween, Hiep Quang Do, had been killed at a restaurant on Victoria Drive. Then early on the morning of Tuesday, November 6, Ali Abhari and Ronal Shakeel Raj, out driving in […]

What’s happening to the Canadian economy .. does it point to US $ crisis ahead?

Nov 3rd, 2007 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2007 [UPDATED NOVEMBER 8]. The Canadian dollar touched somewhat more than $1.07 US in international money market trading yesterday – said to be its highest value since the late 19th century. (It has since gone as high as $1.10, and then back to the $1.07 range.) But that’s just the half of it. […]