Archive for April 2005

Perils of American Idolatry .. a Canadian lament

Apr 26th, 2005 | By | Category: Entertainment

The world watched with gaped jaw as you re-elected George W. And now we have to watch as the best are voted out or threatened each week on American Idol. Dammit America, what’s with that? The recent dropping of Anwar from American Idol has left me seacrestfallen. This week’s episode opened with the announcement that […]

The deepening scandal .. how much is it changing the Southern Ontario mood?

Apr 24th, 2005 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

TORONTO. Sunday, April 24, 2005. It would be nice to think the simplest truth is just that Canadian politics has suddenly entered one of its intermittent actually interesting phases. And the democratic electorate is responding by actually getting interested. Yet readings from deep downtown in Canada’s largest big city over the April 23-24 weekend also suggest that all […]

Gomery watch : the rolling numbers

Apr 12th, 2005 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Even if you remain sceptical about just how much good a fresh Canadian federal election can do, it’s hard not to be duly impressed by the latest numbers on the impact of the most recent Gomery testimony. A dramatic new EKOS poll commissioned by the Toronto Star has even raised some dim prospect that Stephen Harper’s Conservatives might win a […]

Brault testimony .. what is the alternative all over again?

Apr 9th, 2005 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

SOUTHERN ONTARIO. Saturday, April 9, 2005, 4 PM EDT. The ban on the Brault testimony to the Gomery inquiry in Montreal has now been partly or even largely lifted for just over two days. And the media and the politicians are spinning away. Already, one kind of cynic might say, there are signs that the […]

The Rogers Blue Jays : are the boys really back?

Apr 7th, 2005 | By | Category: Sporting Life

 TORONTO, April 8, 2005. As the dust is settling from a long off-season – made even longer without our beloved hockey – and as the migrating birds return to northern climes, there is a feeling of renewal in the air. It’s the beginning of baseball season. And just as the first pitch is being thrown […]

The Fourteen Points of George W. Bush

Apr 6th, 2005 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

As still further evidence that extending the vote to women was a sound idea, the ladies’ home website has compiled a tidy collection of “Bush Bloopers” – engaging examples of the mangled wit and folk wisdom of President George W. Bush.I have taken the liberty of selecting the fourteen bloopers I like best myself, on […]

Gomery inquiry part deux .. just how explosive is the new testimony?

Apr 4th, 2005 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Someone or something in Ottawa (or somewhere?) almost seems determined that Canada is going to have a fresh federal general election very soon – less than a year after the last one. Speculation about how the opposition will unite to defeat Paul Martin’s Liberal minority government over its neo-Machiavellian linking of the Kyoto Accord with […]