Posts Tagged ‘ Remembrance Day Canada ’

O Valiant Hearts, lest we forget …

Nov 11th, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

We just want to very simply commemorate Remembrance Day in Canada, November 11, 2021, with three performances of the haunting memorial hymn from World War I, “O Valiant Hearts” (on YouTube). First is “A Tribute and Remembrance Video for the Canadians fighting in Afghanistan,” posted in 2009 — and with “O Valiant Hearts” as the […]

Afghanistan agony haunts November 11, 2010 ..

Nov 10th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

According to the sometimes (if of course far from always) quite good Wikipedia, “‘O Valiant Hearts’ is a hymn remembering the fallen of the First World War.” And, technically so to speak, the at least beginning of the end of the First World War in a railway car at Compiègne, France, on November 11, 1918, […]